Saturday, January 16, 2016

Cardinals vs. Packers - 2016-01-16 - 2nd half 

This game has been a lot better than their previous meeting, where the Pack got blown out. The Packers have been making first downs seemingly at will, but they've been stopped a couple of times, limited to field goals.  The Cards offense needs to step it up in the second half.

I watched a bit of the Chiefs / Patriots game.  Too bad - I'd've liked to see the Chiefs win.  I know a bunch of Pats fans, though, so it's ok.

Yay!  A big interception by Rashad Johnson.  Calais Campbell might've tipped it.

Now the offense needs to stay on the field for a while.  Clay Matthews is an asshole.  Not on that play, I mean - just in general.

Oh boy.  Lots of pressure, and Palmer airs it out.  That was scary.

Damn.  Palmer gets intercepted right back.  The offensive line isn't providing much protection.  Some discussion about whether it's really an interception.  It is - and it clearly was.

The Cardinals D is back on the field.  They must be tired by now.  If they can force a 3 & out, that'll be most excellent.

Jeez, Lacey is so used to hitting people on the way that he just fell down.  Then he ran for a bazillion yards - 62, actually - on a run-of-the-mill play.  Ferocious run.

If the Cards' D can hold them to another field goal, it'll be a miracle.

Would someone clobber Aaron Rodgers?

C'mon, D - another stop.  Dang, no can do.  Rodgers manages to avoid another sack, with the O-line saving his butt again.

Green Bay now leads 13 - 7.  Carson Palmer needs to keep the Cardinals offense on the field for a while, if for nothing else than to give the defense a break.  A score would be handy, too - preferably another TD.

Larry doesn't get much on his catch, but at least something.  The Cards aren't looking like the #1 offense.  Yeah Larry!  You are awesome.

But the Cards still can't seem to get a play off before time expires.  Sheesh.

Flag!  Yes, good.  Damn late hit.  Raji being dirty.  He's enormous - only 337 lbs.

Nothing doing on the run, but they need to keep it in the mix, or it'll be too difficult to get the passes through.

Larry again - yes, the most awesomest.

Mmm...   nice run by Brown, but I think there's a hold.  Oops, it's on Larry - but I'm not sure what it is.  Ooh, "blind side block" - never heard of that before.

Good clock control here.  Didn't get much on the pass, so still 2nd and goal.  what happened?  Ah, 12 men on the field against Green Bay - good.  10 yard line - c'mon, offense.  What sort of pass was that, Carson Palmer?  Sucky.  Or maybe just throwing it away because the receiver was so covered.

Almost another interception.  Jeez.  Palmer is not looking like the great QB he is.

The Cardinals settle for a field goal, and that's fine.  The offense kept the defense off the field for an extended period, so maybe they're rested & can get after Rodgers in the next possession.

The Cards really need to stop Lacey.  He will wear everyone down if he's not dissuaded not to run so much.  Flag?  False start, good.  Only 5 yards, but that's ok.

Third & 13 - good.  Rodgers won't have to pass, but most likely.  Let's see...   Good, yes - successful pass, but stopped before a first down, so 3 & out.

Almost a blocked punt.  It's short, anyway.

After a couple of shots of tequila and a couple of beers with sushi, it's time for a Great Harvest cookie with milk.  Yes, it really is.

Another great catch by Fitzgerald.  Really nice work.  A challenge came from GB - stupid, and the ruling on the field stands.  Now they only have one time out left.

Let's see it, Palmer.  Good enough - got it to Larry - but a flag.  Defensive holding!  Yes, that's good.  Another first down.

Running game still isn't playing dividends.  Next pass worked well, though - first down.  Have to keep the running game in the mix.

Fourth quarter, first play - John Brown makes a nice catch & run.  Where are they now?  On the 10 - nice.  Dang, intercepted again.  Palmer....  even Collinsworth calls it a terrible throw.

Now the defense has to lean up his crap again.  Green Bay isn't going to make that easy, of course.  Passed for a first down, now ran for 9 yards.  The defense is good for take-away work, but they're not as much a "grind away at the running game" D.  They're going to need a take-away.

Oops, low battery.

No, that was not a catch.  Thank you, Bruce Arians.

Boo - advertisement playing Kiss' "Beth".  Better to call it "Blech".

Good idea with the fair catch.  They were all over it.

What's going on?  The Cardinals look like a college team, and not even a good college team.  Sheesh.

Well, finally - a completed pass.  And it was a near thing, too.  Larry - you're still awesome.  First down!  Primo.

Still have 50 yards to go.  C'mon, Cards.  Ok, a run with a run.  A minimal gain, admittedly, but still a gain.

Another third down coming up.  Chris C is right - call on Larry.

But Floyd gets it, and he's excellent, too, so yay.  Another first down.

Good - a significant gain in a running play:  8 yards.  Cards will take it.  Hoo, boy - followed up by Raji eating the next run, losing 2 or 3 yards.

Cards really need a TD.  A field goal would be ...  yes!  Brown - what's his first name?  I should know that.

Jeebis!  Palmer almost throws another interception.  What is wrong with him?  Is the tape screwing up his throws that badly?

Almost makes a circus throw & catch to Fitzgerald.  Almost worked.

Yes yes yes yes yes!  First down.  Wait!  What is it with that spot?  Great catch, lousy spot.  It is a first down - yay.

No way!  Wow...  better to be lucky than good, I'd say.  Thank you so much, Mr. Floyd.

Arizona defense - time to step up big time.

Third and five.  This will be interesting.  Ooh, that should've been a flag.

Fourth and five.  Very interesting.  No good!  Yay yay yay yay!

A field goal will make it so that Green Bay will have to score a TD to tie it, assuming that Arizona gets a field goal.  They really need to get a touchdown.  I don't think that was a good play call.  Third & 8 and they didn't make it.  Dang.

Field goal is good - good.  Ok, seven point margin.  Don't want to bet against Aaron Rodgers, though - not exactly the guy you want to push in a corner and say, "Let's see you score against us."

Yes!  Excellent special teams work.  GB starts at the 15.

1 missed pass - good.

Sack!  Yaaaaaaaaay!  3rd & 20.

Ooh, puts it way up.  No can do.  Great job, defense.  Oops, that does look like pass interference.

Jeez, what a great pass and catch.  Crap crap crap.

No ten second run-off?  Why not?  Not sure what a live ball foul is.

Rodgers throws the ball away with five seconds left in the game.  This is exciting.

God damn it.  God damn it.  Damn it damn it damn it.

Admittedly, that was a great hail Mary.

Ok, time for overtime.  Arizona gets the flip & calls the ball.  Touchdown time.

Yay, Larry!  Woohoo!  Also a great play by Carson Palmer in getting that throw off.

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!  Cardinals win!  Cardinals win!  On a little shovel pass from Palmer to Fitzgerald, no less.  Bueno.  Impressive beyond belief.