Friday, October 3, 2014

Cardinals at Dodgers - 2014-10-03

I've been watching this Cards/Dodgers game, thinking that the Cards were out of it, and now they're hitting Kershaw really well.  Let's see...  bases loaded, two outs.  The Dodgers are ahead, 6-4, but it was much more one-sided earlier.  Kershaw had thrown one bad pitch - one - all game, before this inning.  Carpenter stays alive.  Long at-bat.  Carpenter is tenacious - good work.  Yeah!  Carpenter gets a 3-run double!  Woohoo!

Ok, so now Kershaw's out.  Too late, maybe.  We'll see if the Cards can hold on.  They still have a hitter, but with a new pitcher, I'm not betting they'll get another run.  Still, they're ahead, 7-6.

I was planning on going to the Utah volleyball match tonight, but the ball game just got too interesting.  I posted to my brother's Facebook page - he's a Dodgers fan - that Kershaw was looking really good.  Just ...

Wow, Holliday proves me way wrong.  What a crushed ball - homer way back.  Cards up 10-6.  Ok, the new pitcher got the next batter, so it's back in the field for the Cardinals.

Martinez is looking good so far.   Throwing way outside a bunch, but he got one batter to chase.  Popped up the next one, too.

The color commentator is talking about it as a "series changer".  Slow down, junior.  It's a long game, and it's a long series.  But Martinez does handle the 3rd batter well - simple ground ball, 4-3.

Ok, cool commercial with Derek Jeter, in black & white, with Sinatra in the background.  Hard admitting that a Yankee can be cool.  :-D

"Psychological carry-over"...  whatever.

Dang, that's the second time I've seen the Dodgers' catcher take a ball on the mask tonight.  Ouch.

Another quick inning, Dodgers retiring the Cards in order.

Carpenter looking really impressive.  Long-ass throw after nice glove work.

Six (6) pitchers for the Cards?  That's a lot...  The announcers were talking about the Cards preserving their bullpen and maybe letting this game go.  Guess that didn't happen.  Good thing, too.  No way anyone really expected Kershaw to implode...

Oops, Gonzalez clobbers one.  Dang.  Cards up 10-8, still bottom of the 8th.  Neshek - another submariner / sidearm pitcher - just got a single off him.  But he got the next batter.  Ninth inning time.

Jon Jay gets a single.  DeScalso bunts Jay to second.  Cards are still playing their game - take advantage of every opportunity.  Carpenter up again, one out.  Full count.  Wow, that's some beard, pitcher.  Darn, popped him up.  Well, can't have all your at-bats be crushingly effective.

Bottom of the ninth.  I'm going to need to pick up some beer for the next game.  Do I have to buy Busch beer?  That would be kind of gross.  Maybe I should take one for the team.  Or six, I guess.  Rosenthal - go get 'em, guy.  Nice first two pitches.  Apparently has had some control issues.  Not much time between pitches.  Jeez, dude - don't shake off Molina!  Ok, high heat + fanned him.  Maybe it's ok to shake off Jadi now & again.  Ellis up now.  Dang - base hit.  Ellis has a hot bat.

Ok, guys - double play.

No no no no no!  Crap.  Second & third, one out.

C'mon, Rosenthal.  Ok, good enough - got one more out, even though there's one more run.  This is a good game.  Guy on third, and Puig coming up.  Dang, this is a dangerous at-bat.  C'mon, Rosenthal.  Strike one, outside corner.  Cards ahead by one run.  Ball, outside.  Lots of heat.  Gonzalez on deck - really don't want him to make it to the plate.  High heat - strike two.  1-2, two outs, guy on third, bottom of the ninth.  C'mon, Rosenthal.  Don't give him ...  eesh...  fouled off.  Maybe make him chase high heat again?  Another foul ball.  Puig is tough.  Ha!  Boy genuflecting in the stands.  C'mon, Rosenthal.  Fouled off again!  Tenacious Puig.  Yes!  Struck him out!   Woohoo!  Good job, Rosenthal.

Dang, what an exciting game.  

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