Monday, December 12, 2022

Arizona Cardinals vs. New England Patriots 2022-12-12 p5

 3 minutes till the half.  Let's see if the Cards D can hold them.  Hard hit on special teams.

Well, 3rd down already at the 2 minute warning in the 1st half.

Sack-o-rama!  Mass sackitude!  Sackreligious!  Ooh, I need to trademark that...

Dortch does well receiving the punt & running it back.

The lost time-out from the challenge is going to bite them, unfortunately.  Ack, stopped at 3rd & 1, losing a yard.  They could kick a field goal, most likely.  Think they have to, now that they've used their last time out.  Nope, not...  oh, no - tipped pass on 4th & 1 and a change of possession.  Tsk, tsk.  Too much touch again Dr. McCoy.

27 seconds left before the half.  1st down (I think - yeah); 3 time-outs left.  C'mon, Cards - another stop.

Ok, good - incomplete pass, though that stops the clock.

Crap, long completion.  Well within range for a field goal.  

Another play.... fumble!  Awww, Patriots come up with it.  4 seconds, field goal attempt, 51 yard attempt.  Damn, he made it.  Cardinals, 13-10.  Disappointing, but better than I would've guessed.

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