Monday, June 30, 2008

Get Smart review

Get Smart review

First things first: As a kid, I absolutely despised the Get Smart TV show. Way, way too stupid. I was a serious kid, I guess. This movie was quite dumb, too, but a lot of fun in the process. Steve Carell was born to play the part (sorry, Steve) of Maxwell Smart. There were a lot (a lot) of laugh-out-loud spots. It'd be even better with beer.

The highlight of the movie, of course, was Anne Hathaway. Holy smokes. I don't know whether the original series had Agent 99 being much more competent than Smart, but it isn't hard to imagine. She had a fun interview on Leno, pushing the movie - very funny.

One pleasant surprise was The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) as the super-macho (yeah, that's a stretch) field agent. He was a riot, playing it straight. Come to think of it, it seemed like everyone played it straight, which made it pretty funny. He also had a very funny interview on Leno - what is it about that guy? You'd think he was a comedian or something. ;-)

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