Sunday, April 15, 2007

Children of Men review

Children of Men was a depressing movie. Some reviews I read compared it to Blade Runner, but while they both deal with anti-utopias, Children of Men isn't quite so futuristic, so it's much more recognizable and immediately believable. It's shot in that flat color I associate with war movies and dark TV series - appropriately so. Clive Owen continues to show versatility. Julianne Moore is compelling and stunning, as always. Michael Caine, though, is the best part of the movie, playing something of an aging hippie, a bit crushed by the terrible reality of the world, but still fighting to make things better.

I'm wondering now whether I found Children of Men more disturbing than, say, Blade Runner, because it's very easy to see something like what it describes happening, or if I was just more inclined to enjoy Blade Runner as a science fiction adventure with some interesting ideas behind it - more of an intellectual exercise, without any real consequence.

Depressing or not, this is a good movie, well worth watching carefully and thinking about more carefully. I'm thinking it's worth renting for a second viewing, but I doubt I'll do it. It's just a little too disturbing to watch again.

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