Sunday, April 15, 2007

Reign Over Me review

Who'd've thought Adam Sandler could play a (semi-) serious role? He gets plenty of opportunity to goof around in Reign Over Me, but that's only part of his job here. He manages to come across as a damaged, deranged person who is slightly dangerous, without going overboard (well, too far, at least). Don Cheadle has a tougher role, I think, playing the normal guy with some issues of his own. It seems like it'd be harder to achieve the drama without the thump-over-the-head dramatic situation that Sandler's character finds himself in, but Cheadle does a great job, as he always seems to do. His scenes interacting with his stalker patient are either shocking or hilarious, depending on how sick your sense of humor is. His portrayal of his relationship with his wife, played by the exquisite Jada Pinkett Smith, is beyond believable, capturing a marriage in trouble that doesn't quite know why.

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